Life stressing you out? Need some peace?
Get the Enormous Benefits of Meditation in Just 5 Quick Minutes…
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Want the many benefits of meditation and mindfulness?
Finally! A simple way to meditate for busy people with stressful lifestyles and (sometimes) noisy minds…
Short so you can easily fit it into your busy schedule
Just 5 minutes so you can easily fit it into your hectic schedule and start enjoying the relaxing, stress-relieving benefits of meditation
Patented technology makes meditation easy
Patented technology makes it super easy for you to shut out the world and enjoy a few peaceful moments…just for you
Professionally guided so you can easily quiet your mind
Professionally Guided meditation that helps you stop racing thoughts and experience deep positivity and joy
Get the Enormous Benefits of Meditation in Just 5 Quick Minutes…
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Join the 18 million meditators in the US alone…
The 6 Key Scientific Benefits to Meditation that can be yours…
Here’s a summary of the scientifically-proven benefits of meditation/mindfulness- and it’s just a small sample…
Meditation Reduces Stress & Lowers Anxiety
One study showed that meditation can literally shrinks the part of your brain that initiates the body’s stress response [1]
Meditation gives you “MORE time” by making you…
…more productive. Research reveals that meditation increases productivity, solidifies memories and encourages creativity” [2]
Meditation Increases Focus & Attention
Brain scans show how meditation not only changes brain patterns, but it also improves mental focus and cognitive performance [3].
Mediation Can Literally Rewire Your Brain to Be Happy
“…a new study suggests it is possible to physically grow a happier brain through practices like meditation” [4]
Meditation Connect You To Your Deeper, Wiser Self
By practicing mindful meditation, you are connecting to that part of you that is one with Source/God/Universe…
Meditation Can Be Effective At Dealing With Depression
The practice of meditation may be just as effective as medication when it comes to treating depression. [5]
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So Many Successful People Credit Meditation to their Peace, Happiness and Success*…
Very Busy and Success Woman Makes Meditation a Priority
Arianna Huffingtonto, co-founder The Huffington Post [/text_block]
Billionaire Ray Dalio credits meditation for success
Ray Dalio[/text_block]
Dr Jennifer Ashton, board-certified Ob-Gyn [/text_block]
NBA Player, Kobe Bryant Meditates
Kobe Bryant, former NBA Star[/text_block]
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Top 5 Meditation and Mindfulness Myths…Debunked!
Below we BUST the most common myths about meditation…
MYTH: Meditation takes a lot of time- hours.
REALITY: In fact, it only takes 5 minutes to meditate– you can even do it in 2 minutes! In fact, we recommend starting slowly and gradually increasing your time. But do this only when you feel inspired to do so.
And even when you increase your daily meditation, feel free to go back to 5-minutes if life gets too busy.[/text_block]
MYTH: Meditation will make me “soft” and lazy.
REALITY: Research shows that meditation actually increases your focus and productivity- giving you the edge to get hings done![/text_block]
MYTH: Meditation is part of a particular religious system.
REALITY: Meditation is not exclusive to any religion. In fact, people from ALL religions, atheist and everyone in-between can find enormous value in meditation.
No chanting, incense, statues, etc. are required to meditation. All you need is the ability to breathe…that’s it![/text_block]
MYTH: To meditate, you have to control you thoughts.
REALITY: The truth is there’s no way to “control” your thoughts. In fact, the thought of controlling your thoughts, is a thought!
Meditation doesn’t seek to turn off or control your thoughts- again, that’s impossible. Meditation is simply about observing your thoughts and focusing on your breath- that is possible![/text_block]
MYTH: Meditation is only for “tree-huggers” (no offense; trees are great!) and “creative” types.
REALITY: People from all beliefs and backgrounds benefit from meditation- from business people, to engineers, artist and athletes.
Meditation can take any lifestyle to a wonderfully fulfilling level![/text_block]
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